Category: TekBlog

The Clean Food Revolution

The Clean Food Revolution

Years of genetic modification and insufficient government regulation have caused the nutritional landscape of America to suffer. A land that once thrived on high quality produce and a pervasive agrarian culture is now subject to food that is unhealthy, and in many cases unclean.

October 14, 2016November 18, 2019In TekBlog
The New Industrial Revolution

The New Industrial Revolution

Manufacturing is heading in a new direction, one that will restructure the way the world currently creates most of its products. That direction is additive manufacturing, namely three-dimensional printing. It is a body of technology so tremendously impactful on human capabilities that it evokes the legend of Icarus.

October 10, 2016November 18, 2019In TekBlog
The Driverless Dream is a Reality

The Driverless Dream is a Reality

Self-driving cars which were once only murmurs in Silicon Valley less than a decade ago have hit the street. This month Uber’s first self-driving fleet arrived in Pittsburgh, but they will still be supervised by humans in the driver’s seat. Advancements in automated systems and AI are quickly giving way to a new reality: that driverless cars will provide a safer, more efficient method of travel.

October 10, 2016November 18, 2019In TekBlog