Hello community! One of our portfolio companies is thriving towards its main goal, to improve the quality of life using...
Presenting #TEK at the 2019 Brazil Innovation Summit
In its initial edition, The Innovation Summit Brazil 2019, invited Tekcapital to present “The Role of Universities in Successful Start-up...
Tekcapital signs agreement with UTEQ to expand services in Mexico
Tekcapital has executed a strategic alliance with The Technological University of Queretaro (UTEQ) to expand services in Mexico. UTEQ is...
Technology Transfer and Commercialization Hub- Panama 2019
Between May 6 and May 11, 2019, 40 participants from different countries participated in the Technology Transfer and Commercialization Hub...
Tekcapital delivered university start-up training in Chile
Tekcapital, an intellectual property investment group, successfully delivered an advanced technology commercialization and university start-up 5-day training program in Santiago...
Expanding Tekcapital services in Peru
Tekcapital was enthusiastic to announce they completed a strategic alliance agreement with Emprende UP, the incubator and accelerator platform of...