Tekcapital, an intellectual property investment group, successfully delivered an advanced technology commercialization and university start-up 5-day training program in Santiago...

Expanding Tekcapital services in Peru
Tekcapital was enthusiastic to announce they completed a strategic alliance agreement with Emprende UP, the incubator and accelerator platform of...

Tek in the News: Huffington Post
As a leader in the technology transfer space, Tekcapital was consulted in a recent Huffington Post article about the need...

The Accelerating Pace of Innovation
The world of intellectual property is advancing at an exponential rate. Unlike the early industrial era, where a span of...

The IP Singularity
Moore’s Law, which effectively states that production microchips double in processing power approximately every two years, is also observable in...

The World, Amplified
Of all the tech buzzwords this year, the greatest one is augmented reality (AR). AR has the potential to change...